Origin: Chapter 1, 1
1. The nurse providing family-centered care in a hospital setting reflects on the focus of
the health care provided in today’s society. Which statement best describes the current
definition of health?
A) Health is described as ‘an absence of disease.’
B) Health is measured by monitoring mortality and morbidity of a group.
C) Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
D) Technological gains made in health care are shared equally among all children.
Ans: C
In the past, health was defined simply as the absence of disease; health was measured by
monitoring the mortality and morbidity of a group. Over the past century, however, the
focus of health has shifted to disease prevention, health promotion, and wellness. The
World Health Organization (2013) defines health as “a state of complete physical,
mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The
gains in child health have been huge, but, unfortunately, these gains are not shared
equally among all children.
Origin: Chapter 1, 2
2. The student nurse is learning about the past history of child health and health care in the
United States. Which statement accurately reflects the condition of health care in the
past and current centuries?
A) In past centuries in the UnN itUedRSSItNaG teTsB , .tChO
e M health of the country was better than it is
today due to the simpler style of living.
B) In the current century, mortality rates are high, but life expectancy has increased
due to technological advances.
C) In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries urban public health
improvements made cities healthier places for growing children.
D) By the late twentieth century unintentional injuries rather than infectious diseases
had become the leading cause of death for children older than 1 year old.
Ans: D
In past centuries in the United States, the health of the country was poorer than it is
today; mortality rates were high and life expectancy was short. Over the years the health
of children received more and more attention, leading to a better understanding of
sources of illness and improvements in sanitation, water, and nutrition. As a result, by
the late twentieth century unintentional injuries rather than infectious diseases had
become the leading cause of death for children older than 1 year old.
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