General Overview
A. In females, the urinary and reproductive systems are completely
separate, unlike in males.
B. The internal female reproductive organs are located in the lower
pelvis and are safely tucked inside the bony pelvis, behind the
pubic bone.
C. External genitalia collectively include the mons pubis, the labia
majora, the labia minora, the vestibule, the clitoris, and the vaginal orifice
(Figure 1.1).
D. The structures of the peritoneum are listed and compared in Table 1.1.
II. Ovaries
A. Description
1. Each ovary lies in a depression in the lateral pelvic wall, on either
side of the uterus.
2. Ovaries are small and almond shaped.
3. They vary considerably in size among women, but usually
measure between 3 and 5 cm long, 1.5 and 3 cm wide, and 1 and
1.5 cm thick— about the size of a thumbnail.
4. They are pinkish white to gray.
Frenulum of clitoris
Labia minora
Skene duct
Posterior commissure
Fossa navicularis
Vaginal ori ce
Urethral ori ce
Labia majora
Prepuce of clitoris
Anterior commissure
Mons veneris
FIGURE 1.1 External female genitalia.
5. They are not directly attached to the uterus and fallopian tubes.
The ovaries lie suspended in a strong, flexible structure called the
round ligament, which anchors them to the uterus.
6. The uterine tubes, which consist of the oviducts and the fallopian
tubes, are not directly connected to the ovaries. They open into the
peritoneal cavity, which is near the ovaries
B. Function
1. The ovaries house the female sex gametes.
2. The ovaries are counterparts to the testes in the male, in that they
secrete sex hormones: estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
3. The ovaries produce an ovum (egg) during ovulation in response
to hormonal stimulation
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