When describing nursing to a group of nursing students, the nursing instructor lists all of the
following characteristics of nursing except
a. historically nursing is as old as mankind.
b. nursing was originally practiced informally by religious orders dedicated to care of
the sick.
c. nursing was later practiced in the home by female caregivers with no formal
d. nursing has always been identifiable as a distinct occupation.
Historically, nursing is as old as mankind. Originally practiced informally by religious orders
dedicated to care of the sick and later in the home by female caregivers with no formal
education, nursing was not identifiable as a distinct occupation until the 1854 Crimean war.
There, Florence Nightingale’s Notes on Nursing introduced the world to the functional roles of
professional nursing and the need for formal education.
Cognitive Level: Comprehension
TOP: Step of the Nursing Process: All phases
MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity
REF: p. 1
2. The nursing profession’s first nurse researcher, who served as an early advocate for high-quality
care and used statistical data to document the need for handwashing in preventing infection, was
a. Abraham Maslow.
b. Martha Rogers.
c. Hildegard Peplau.
d. Florence Nightingale.
An early advocate for high-quality care, Florence Nightingale’s use of statistical data to
document the need for handwashing in preventing infection marks her as the profession’s first
nurse researcher.
Cognitive Level: Knowledge
TOP: Step of the Nursing Process: All phases
MSC: Client Needs: Management of Care
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