Question Type: Multiple Choice
1) Who was the first person to name what he thought were single cells?
a) Leeuwenhoek
b) Hooke
c) Schleiden
d) Schwann
e) Virchow
Answer: b
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 1.1 Identify the three tenets of cell theory.
Section Reference: Section 1.1 The Discovery of Cells
2) The first compound light microscopes were constructed by the end of the sixteenth century. What
characteristic defines a compound microscope?
a) It has a moveable stage.
b) It has multiple lenses.
c) Its lens is double the size of simple microscopes.
d) The lens has two different colors.
e) It has two different light sources.
Answer: b
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 1.1 Identify the three tenets of cell theory.
Section Reference: Section 1.1 The Discovery of Cells
3) Who was the first scientist to examine and describe living cells?
a) Leeuwenhoek
b) Hooke
c) Schleiden
d) Schwann
e) Virchow
Answer: a
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: LO 1.1 Identify the three tenets of cell theory.
Section Reference: Section 1.1 The Discovery of Cells
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