Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. Which assessments of care providers are performed as part of the Value Based Purchasing
Select all that apply.
a. Appraising costs per case of care for Medicare patients
b. Assessing patients’ satisfaction with hospital care
c. Evaluating available evidence to guide clinical care guidelines
d. Monitoring mortality rates ofall patients with pneumonia
e. Requiring advanced IT standards and minimum cash reserves
ANS: A, B, D
Value Based Purchasing looks at five domain areas of processes of care, including efficiency of
care (cost per case), experience of care (patient satisfaction measures), and outcomes of care
(mortality rates for certain conditions. Evaluation of evidence to guide clinical care is part of
evidence-based practice. The requirements for IT standards and financial status are part of
Accountable Care Organization standards. REF: Value Based Purchasing
2. What was an important finding of the Advisory Board survey of 2014 about primary care
preferences of patients?
a. Associations with area hospitals
b. Costs of ambulatory care
c. Ease of access to care
d. The ratio of providers to patients
As part of the 2014 survey, the Advisory Board learned that patients desired 24/7 access to care,
walk-in settings and the ability to be seen within 30 minutes, and care that is close to home.
Associations with hospitals, costs of care, and the ratio of providers to patients were not part of
these results. REF: The New Look of Primary Care
3. A small, rural hospital is part of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) and is designated
as a Level 1 ACO. What is part of this designation?
a. Bonuses based on achievement ofbenchmarks
Test Bank
Buttaro: Primary Care: A Collaborative Practice, 6th Edition
b. Care coordination for chronic diseases
c. Standards for minimum cash reserves
d. Strict requirements for financial reporting
A Level 1 ACO has the least amount of financial risk and requirements, but receives shared
savings bonuses based on achievement of benchmarks for quality measures and expenditures.
Care coordination and minimum cash reserves standards are part of Level 2 ACO requirements.
Level 3 ACOs have strict requirements for financial reporting. REF: Accountable Care
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